Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Health Insurance Marketplace Policy
As the largest navigator grantee in Utah, UHPP oversees the work of the navigators, assisters, and certified application counselors. In the first grant year, UHPP, with its consortium, provided outreach to over 19,000 consumers and help them make an informed decision on the Marketplace. With its consortium partners, UHPP provides fair, accurate, and impartial information and services with eligibility, clarifying distinctions in health plans and help consumers make informed decisions, and facilitates selection of qualified health plans (QHPs).
UHPP became a recognized expert in eligibility, enrollment, and program specifications by attending CBPP webinars, CMS weekly calls, the Enroll America conference, and by assisting consumers. UHPP and the lead team are recognized by political, business, and community stakeholders as enrollment leaders and experts in Utah.
UHPP hosted monthly navigator and assister meetings and bi-annual summits to provide trainings (including how to make referrals to the Department of Insurance or another appropriate ombudsman), share best practices, and connect assisters with each other. The Project Director (PD), serves as a resource to all navigators, providing additional training and technical assistance and facilitating the sharing of best practices among hub partners. The PD also works in partnership with the Utah Department of Workforce Services (DWS) to clarify Medicaid eligibility requirements and engage eligibility workers. UHPP houses two navigators, two certified application counselors, and six volunteers to help with outreach and Medicaid/CHIP enrollment within schools. These assisters partner with and serve as a warm referral source for various community organizations.
UHPP engages non-funded key partners to develop relationships with hard-to-reach populations and self-employed individuals. Examples include Hispanic media outlets, local chambers of commerce (including the Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Asian Chamber of Commerce), the Utah Library Association, religious organizations such as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) and Calvary Baptist Church, tax assistance sites, the LGBTQ Pride Center, and the Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County Mayors’ offices. UHPP conducts outreach and education to the LGBT community at workshops and events, including the annual Pride Festival, which attracts nearly 35,000 attendees.
Navigators refer consumers eligible to apply through Avenue H (Utah’s Small Business Marketplace) to insurance brokers, and UHPP will continue to maintain a strong relationship with Avenue H’s leadership team.
Together with AUCH and UWSL/2-1-1, UHPP creates public service announcements, newspaper ads, and social media campaigns that raise awareness about enrollment assistance. For example, in the fall of 2013, the lead team created to allow users to find nearby enrollment assisters by entering their ZIP code. This website also includes a calendar of enrollment events. UHPP will continue to provide enrollment services and facilitate QHP selection with consumers both on-site and at our partners’ locations.